Lavon Laurine | The Goal Of Marketing and What is Marketing

The Goal Of Marketing and What is it The goal of marketing is to entice potential consumers or clients to your goods and services. "Process" is the definition's essential term. According to Lavon Laurine , Marketing includes doing research, advertising, selling, and disseminating your goods or services. What is Marketing? Marketing is described as including all of a business's advertising tactics used to draw clients to its goods or services. These often include: Market analysis. analyzing market data to determine a company's intended market. Promotion and advertising. Advertising its goods to customers or other companies, or working with an advertising firm to design a campaign that fits its objectives. A social media plan. use social media to advertise goods or services, according to Lavon Laurine . Public affairs. contacting media organizations to increase its reach. Acquisition and retention of customers. establishing connections with customers and the medi...